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The Truth About Cancer


Carousel Films produced, wrote, and directed this 90-minute PBS special, which documents the journey of several patients with cancers that are usually fatal. A personal story,  all the patients, including the filmmaker's own husband,  discover the very American cultural pressure to keep fighting, even when options no longer exist.   This poignant documentary won Best Reportage Film at the Reel Lives Film Festival in Geneva Switzerland.


See more clips on Carousel's Vimeo Page.

Sister Aimee

American Experience, PBS

This documentary is a cautionary tale about  fame.  Sister Aimee was a Pentecostal preacher and a savvy business woman who was growing a media empire in the 1920s, just when the nature of national celebrityhood was taking root. She got what she had longed wished for--bold headlines about her splashed in newspapers across the country.  But it was for possible involvement in a sex scandal, not for her religious work.


See more clips on Carousel's Vimeo Page.

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